Elevator Rescue
Elevator Incidents and Emergencies occur everyday across the country. Our class is a 2 part portion that can be conducted in 1 or 2 days (approx 4 hrs). The Classroom portion is designed to provide the students with an in depth look at the construction and operation of elevators. Both traction and hydraulic systems are discussed. The necessary steps to mitigate an elevator incident or emergency are also presented to the students. Size-up, Lock-Out /Tag-out, Elevator Key Use, Poling and Removal Procedures are covered in this in-depth powerpoint.
The Hands-On portion of the program puts all of the classroom techniques to work. The host Department provides an elevator and all of the techniques used to mitigate an incident and emergency are performed. If so equipped, Fireman Service Use will also be addressed. Class size depends upon the ability of the host Department in securing elevators to handle the student ratio.